Alan Walker
Progressive house
As a symbol. What better way to reignite the Cassius flame than the 2024 Paris Olympic Games? The flame, which had logically extinguished after the tragic death of Philippe "Zdar" Cerboneschi in June 2019, is burning brightly again thanks to the determination of Hubert "BoomBass" Blanc-Francard, the other half of the duo, to revive this legendary name in French touch music. And not just on September 8th during the Closing Ceremony of the Paralympic Games, marking the first appearance of this reinvented Cassius. The turning point for this true reconstruction came during several DJ sets performed in recent months in France and abroad, in a trio format with Hubert alongside his two partners Étienne de Crécy and Falcon. The enthusiastic reactions from the audience when playing Cassius hits ("Feeling For You", "I’m a Woman", "I <3 U SO", among others) convinced him that the story couldn’t end there. With the certainty that a name that still resonates on dancefloors worldwide shouldn’t be allowed to fade away, BoomBass is launching the grand return of Cassius at the end of 2024. With the release of a best-of album on October 11 and the first date of the Cassius Club a few days earlier, on the 9th at Rex Club in Paris. This concept will soon be extended to dancefloors worldwide, where Hubert will be joined by his many friends and new talents. And more surprises are planned for 2025. Let’s rejoice. The tagline “Cassius rockin’ non-stop since 1999” is once again relevant.
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